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    Parmesan Cheese

    Parmesan cheese is made from raw cows milk. It is a hard granulated cheese that is cooked but not pressed. Parmesan cheese has a fruity nutty taste. The cheese is made only from those cows that are fed only on grass or hay. It is said to have originated in Italy. The only additive that is allowed in parmesan cheese is salt, which is absorbed by th...

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    Provolone Cheese

    Provolone cheese is an Italian cheese which was originated in Southern Italy. It has a smoky flavor and is used in making cannelloni and ravioli. It can be made with cow or buffalo's milk. It is golden-yellow in color. One of its type is Provolone Dolce which is pale yellow to white in colour and is aged for 2-3 months. Another kind of provolone...

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