5 Amazing Egg Substitutes For Baking

By: Vaishali Kapila

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Egg-free baking is easier than you think! With these versatile substitutes, you can whip up everything from cookies to cakes while maintaing the perfect texture.

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1. Yoghurt

Yoghurt is a great egg substitute. It provides moisture and richness, making it perfect for cakes and muffins. Use 1/4 cup for one egg.

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2. Mashed Banana

Mashed bananas help the cake brown and give it a nice, rich flavour. You can use about 1/4 cup of mashed banana to replace one egg.

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3. Vinegar + Baking Soda

The combination of vinegar and baking soda creates a chemical reaction that helps with leavening, making it ideal for fluffy cakes.

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4. Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds mixed with water create a gel-like texture that acts as a binder. Mix 1 tbsp of flaxseeds with 3 tbsp of water to replace one egg.

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5. Nut Butter

Nut butters like almond or peanut butter can act as an egg replacement, adding richness. This works best in cookies and brownies.

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To learn more about such baking substitutes

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