5 Clever Ways To Use Leftover Chashni

By: Payal

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Leftover chashni from your sweets? Don't let it go to waste! Here are five easy ways to repurpose that syrup and add some extra sweetness to your day:

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1. Malpua Dip

Use the chashni to soak your malpuas. These sweet Indian pancakes are even better when dipped in the leftover syrup.

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2. Shahi Tukda

Make a quick shahi tukda by dipping fried bread slices into the chashni. It's a simple and tasty way to use up the syrup.

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3. Suji Halwa

Stir the chashni into your suji halwa for a touch of extra sweetness. Just roast the semolina, add milk and syrup, cook, and garnish with dry fruits.

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4. Sweet Pulao

Turn the syrup into a sweet pulao (zarda) by soaking rice before cooking. Add whole spices and nuts for flavour.

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5. Amla Murbba

Soak cooked amla in the leftover chashni for a quick and easy amla murbba. It's a great way to use up the syrup and cut down on waste.

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