5 Coconut-Based Dishes You'll Love

By: Neha Grover

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 Discover the versatility of coconut with these delicious recipes. From creamy curries to aromatic rice dishes, coconut adds a tropical twist to your meals.

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1. Khao Soi

A Burmese delight with chicken, noodles, and coconut milk. A quick, flavorful meal ready in just 30 minutes.

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2. Thai Curry

Indulge in the authentic flavours of Thailand with this coconut milk-infused curry, a global favourite.

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3. Coconut Rice

Relish the fragrant blend of curry leaves and fresh coconut in this beloved Southern Indian rice dish.

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4. Chicken Biryani With Coconut Milk

Experience the richness of pearl white basmati rice, succulent chicken, and creamy coconut milk in this Indian classic.

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5. Coconut Ladoo

This Indian sweet never fails to impress the ones with a sweet tooth. Make it healthier by adding dates and sesame seeds.

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