5 Daily Foods That You Shouldn't Reheat

By: Somdatta Saha

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Reheating food is a daily practice for us. But did you know, it is not safe to reheat every type of food? In fact, some lose nutritional value when reheated. Let's take you through.

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1. Rice

According to the Foods Standards Agency, you could suffer from food poisoning by eating reheated rice, due to the presence of Bacillus Cereus bacteria.

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2. Egg

High-protein foods like eggs contain nitrogen. Experts state that when heated time and again, nitrogen oxidizes, making it harmful to health.

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3. Chicken

Health experts say that the protein composition in chicken changes when taken out of the refrigerator to reheat, further causing digestive troubles.

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4. Potato

Studies suggest that if potatoes are heated again and again, there is a chance they might produce bacteria causing food poisoning.

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5. Mushroom

Much like eggs, reheating mushrooms may generate toxins that contain oxidized nitrogen and free radicals, affecting digestion.

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For tips on reheating food properly

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