5 Diet Tips To Fight The Heatwave

By: Neha Grover

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Heatwaves bring an increased risk of nausea, dehydration, skin problems, and heatstroke. Here are five essential diet tips to help protect against the scorching heat.

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1. Drink More Water

The heatwave leads to dehydration and disrupts body temperature. Nutritionist Rupali Datta advises drinking more water to maintain body functions.

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2. Include Seasonal Foods

The Health Ministry recommends seasonal and plant-based foods. Fresh vegetables promote healthy digestion and help avoid gut problems.

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3. Carry Cooling Foods And Drinks

Experts suggest carrying light, cooling foods and citrus drinks. These help keep you fresh and maintain your body temperature in  the heat.

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4. Replace Caffeinated  Drinks

Nutritionist Rupali Datta says caffeinated drinks cause fluid loss. Opt for cooling drinks like nimbu paani to maintain electrolyte balance. 

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5. Have Freshly Cooked Meals

Dr Anju Sood recommends eating freshly cooked meals. This reduces the risk of food contamination during the summer season.

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Hydrating Drinks For Summer:

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