5 Easy Dishes For Busy Mornings

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Breakfast is the fuel that kickstarts our day, but we often find ourselves rushing in the morning, seeking convenient options.

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Discover our collection of hassle-free recipes that provide the nutrition you need, all prepared in under 2 minutes. Bookmark these gems and savour a delicious morning feast.

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1. Sunny Side-Up 

Crack an egg onto a sizzling pan, and while it cooks, grab your favourite bread. Slide the perfectly cooked sunny-side-up onto the bread, sprinkle seasonings.

2. Peanut Butter Toast

Grab a plain toasted bread slice and spread homemade or store-bought peanut butter on top. It's a satisfying and hassle-free way to fuel your morning.

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3. Cereal Bowls

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Create an instant and delightful meal by combining your choice of cereals like oats or muesli with milk, crunchy nuts, nutritious seeds, & a drizzle of honey. 

Slather your bread slices with zesty green chutney, & layer them with tomato rings & slices of paneer, Season some spices for perfect taste.

4. Paneer Sandwich

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Scooping out the creamy flesh of an avocado, mashing it, & spreading it on bread slices. The creamy avocado goodness will tantalize your taste buds.

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7. Avocado Toast

With these quick & effortless breakfast recipes, your weekday mornings are a breeze. Fuel your day with these delicious options that will leave you energised 

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Image Credit: Pexels

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