5 Easy Tips To Make Creamy Lassi

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 Lassi is a traditional yogurt-based drink popular in Northern India. Made with yogurt, water or milk, and various spices, lassi can be either sweet or salty.

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Lassi typically has a creamy texture, but achieving the perfect consistency can be quite challenging. We provide easy tips to help you make a glass of rich & creamy lassi at home.

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1. Use Homemade Curd

Using homemade curd ensures that your lassi has a creamy texture. It's best to use plain curd made from whole milk. 

2. Whisk Well

Use a wooden Madani mixer or a wire whisk to churn the yogurt to attain a creamy texture. Make sure to blend it for a longer time until it becomes frothy.

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3. Don't Add Too Much Water

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Add water gradually so that you can assess the amount needed to attain a creamy texture. Adding too much water at once will result in thin lassi.

Adding ice cubes not only makes the lassi super refreshing but also perfect to sip on a hot summer day. 

4. Add Ice Cubes

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If you want to make your lassi even creamier, don't hesitate to add a spoonful of cream to it while whisking. 

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8. Add Cream

So, the next time you make lassi at home, do keep these tips in mind! 

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