5 Foods You Must Avoid In An Air Fryer

By: Nikita Nikhil

Image Credit: iStock

Air fryer might be one of your newest kitchen gadgets to whip up some quick, healthy dishes, but not everything can be cooked in it. Check out five foods that you must not cook in it.

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1. Battered Foods

Foods coated in thick batters like pakoras can become soggy after a while. They might also fail to crisp evenly in an air fryer.

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2. Leafy Greens

Delicate greens like spinach or kale dry out and become overly crispy when cooked in an air fryer. This can make them flavourless and lose their moisture.

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3. Large Cuts of Meats

Small cuts of meat cook well in an air fryer, unlike large cuts of meat. The latter may not cook evenly or may end up being over- or undercooked.

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4. Cheese-Filled Items

Foods filled with cheese, like tater tots or nuggets, can cause a messy situation in your air fryer as the cheese melts and oozes out.

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5. Popcorn

Air fryers lack the heat needed for popcorn popping. They operate at 175-200°C, while popcorn needs 200-238°C. Try sticking to typical methods for popcorn.

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