5 Foods You
Should Never
Pair With Milk

By: Somdatta Saha

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Milk is a part of our daily diet, courtesy of its rich nutrient profile. But did you know, you can't pair everything with a glass of milk? Check out the foods you shouldn't pair with milk.

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1. Protein-Rich Foods

Having milk and protein-rich foods like red meat together can cause heaviness and digestion issues.

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2. Fish

Fish are hot in nature, and milk has a cooling effect. So, combining the two can cause a chemical imbalance in the body.

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3. Citrus Fruits

Acidic, citric, and vitamin C-rich foods should not be consumed with milk, as the latter curdles and transforms into cheese.

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4. Banana

Bananas and milk make an incompatible pair and can cause indigestion, cough, cold, and sleep-related issues.

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5. Iron-Rich Foods

Both iron and calcium from milk are important for our nourishment. But when consumed together, your body fails to absorb the nutrients.

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To learn about
the safety practices
while handling milk

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