5 Fruit Raitas You Must Try This Summer

By: Vaishali Kapila

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What's better than having curd with refreshing summer fruits? We guess nothing! Here, we bring you some tasty options that will make the perfect accompaniment to your meals.

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1. Mango Raita

Mango raita is a must-try for all you mango lovers out there. To make it, simply whisk curd until smooth, then add mango and sliced almonds.

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2. Pineapple Raita

This raita offers both sweet and savoury flavours and is a delightful addition to any plate. Garnish with fresh coriander and serve chilled. 

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3. Mixed Fruit Raita

Packed with the goodness of various fruits, jeera, black pepper, and black salt, this raita is a tasty and healthy replacement for a creamy fruit bowl.

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4. Lychee Raita

The sweet taste and soft texture of lychee blend wonderfull with the curd in this raita. It is super refreshing and will be ready in just 5 mins.

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5. Grapes Raita

You can prepare grape raita with both black and green grapes. This raita complements hot and spicy dishes like biryani and pulao.

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For more delicious raita recipes

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