5 Genius Ways To Use Tea Leaves In Daily Life

By: Payal

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You'd be surprised by how many things you can do with tea leaves, besides making a nice cup of chai! Don't just toss them out- here are some smart, easy ways to put those used tea leaves to work in your home.

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1. Natural Fertiliser for Your Garden

Tea leaves are a great, natural fertilizer that can help your garden thrive. Just sprinkle them around your plants & let nature do the rest!

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2. Boost Colour in Your Cooking

Want rich, dark colour in your pindi chole? Tea leaves have got your back! Boil them with your chole for that signature deep brown colour- it's a classic kitchen trick.

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3. Add Some Zing to Your Salad

soak green tea leaves with salt & lemon juice, & let it sit for 3-4 days. Once fermented, these tea leaves become a tangy, flavorful garnish that'll level up your salad game.

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4. Get Rid of Bad Odours

Dried tea leaves can act as natural deodorizers for your kitchen, fridge, or any room. Just pack them in a cheesecloth, & place them wherever you need a fresh, clean scent.

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5. Scrub It Clean

Got dirty chopping boards or grimy dishes? Damp tea leaves make an awesome scrubbing agent! Rub them on your cutting board, then wash up with your regular dish soap. 

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More Kitchen Tips:

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