5 Hacks To Clean Kitchen With Lemon Juice

By: Nikita Nikhil

Image Credit: iStock

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Lemon juice, a natural cleaner, is great for a spotless kitchen. Its acidic nature makes it very effective. Learn 5 hacks to use lemon juice to keep your kitchen squeaky clean.

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1. Clean Microwave

Remove tough stains in the microwave with lemon juice. Just mix lemon juice in water, microwave for 10 minutes, and remove the stains with a tissue.

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2. Make Utensils Shine

Bring back the lustre of your utensils with lemon juice. Just add a few drops of lemon juice while cleaning your utensils and notice the difference.

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3. Remove Knife Rust

Lemon's acidic nature can cut through and remove rust from knives. Sprinkle some salt on a lemon and scrub the knife to remove rust, grease and dirt. 

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4. Clean Chopping Board

Make your chopping board as good as new with lemon juice. Mix lemon juice and salt and pour it on your board. Scrub the dirt away using a brush.

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5. Deodorise

Make your kitchen smell fresh and citrusy with lemon juice. Simply mix lemon juice and water and spray it around the kitchen to remove odours completely.

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For more kitchen hacks, click here:

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