5 Healthy Pizza Base Alternatives 

By: Payal

Image Credit: Getty

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Although pizza crusts are typically made with all-purpose flour, we always search for opportunities to tweak things in favour of better health. Take a look at these nutritious alternatives.


1. Whole-Wheat Pizza Base

Trade out refined flour for whole wheat flour. The process is the same; you'll just have a healthier base with very little extra effort.

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2. Oat Pizza Base

Just grind up some oats into a powder, and voila, there's your high-fibre, low-fat crust that's perfect for weight loss.

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3. Cauliflower Pizza Crust

Mash up florets of cauliflower; squeeze out extra water & mix with eggs, oregano & spices. And there you have a crispy, thin-crust pizza base.

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4. Multi-Grain Pizza Base

If you mix whole-wheat flour, maize flour, & oat flour with seeds like flax & chia, it forms a powerhouse combo that makes a hearty multigrain crust.

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5. Chickpea Pizza Base

Chickpeas are loaded with nutrients. Just boil and grind them into a fine paste, and you've got a solid base for your pizza.

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