5 Healthy Swaps For White Sauce

By: Payal

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We all love cheesy white sauce in pasta or other dishes. But here we have some ideas to make the white sauce without cheese. Try these healthy swaps. 

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1. Cauliflower

You can use cauliflower to make a healthy sauce. Simply chop it into small florets, puree & add them to make the white sauce super creamy & thick.

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2. Milk

Instead of cheese, you can use milk to make a creamy sauce. But it is important to cook it longer so that milk becomes thick & gives creamy texture.

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3. Cashew Paste

Soak some cashews, add them to a blender and make a smooth paste. Use this to thicken the white sauce without the addition of cheese.

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4. Mushroom

Pureed mushrooms can help thicken the sauce and also give a nice flavour to the dish.

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5. Potato

Just boil some potatoes, mash or puree them in a blender. Add this paste to your white sauce.

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