5 Heavy Cream Substitutes
 You Must Have

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Heavy cream can make any dish heavenly but it's not healthy in the long run. Let's find out some other alternatives to get the same creamy texture in your dishes

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1. Greek Yogurt 

Greek yogurt can add equal creaminess to your dish. It's low in calories but high in protein and probiotics essential for muscles and the digestive system. 

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2. Half-And-Half

Half-and-half is prepared by mixing light cream and whole milk. The result is an apt balance of richness and low-fat content.

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3. Cottage Cheese 

Cottage cheese or paneer is lower in calories than heavy cream. It is low in fat. When blended, paneer gets a creamy consistency that gives a subtle tanginess.

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4. Coconut Cream

Coconut cream is a healthy vegan option to heavy cream. Extracted from coconut milk, it has the same texture and creamy consistency but without saturated fats.

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5. Cashew Cream 

Cashew cream is a dairy-free alternative to heavy cream. When blended, soaked cashews give a smooth texture like heavy cream but without saturated fats.

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For 5 Amazing Milk
Alternatives For Baking 

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