5 Items To Never Store Under Kitchen Sink

By: Nikita Nikhil

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The area under the kitchen sink has space but is prone to moisture and lack of air. This can impact your family's health. Here are 5 things that should stay away from the sink.

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1. Items In Cardboard Box

Avoid storing items like cleaning supplies in cardboard under the kitchen sink. Cardboard attracts moisture and can ruin them due to lack of air.

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2. Electrical Appliances

Moisture under the kitchen sink can cause damage to your appliances and when plugged in, can give you a shock. Avoid storing them nearby.

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3. Cutlery

Fragile items like mugs and cups should stay away from the kitchen sink area. The plumbing pipes tend to rattle and can break the cutlery.

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4. Food Items

Since there is poor ventilation, food items stored under the sink can develop mould and bacteria. This can make the food stale and make you sick.

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5. Wooden Items

Wooden ladles and spoons attract moisture and can degrade when exposed to it. This can also lead to mould growth and compromised quality of the items.

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