5 Traditional Maharashtrian Desserts To Try

By: Toshita Sahni

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Love Maharashtrian food and have a sweet tooth? We have the perfect temptations for you to taste and try making at home.

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We've compiled a short list of some of the most popular Maharashtrian desserts. Here are the traditional sweet treats you should start with:

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1. Kharvas

This is a steamed pudding-like dessert made of milk and typically flavoured with cardamom and/or saffron. It is delicately sweet and melts in your mouth.

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2. Karanji

This is Maharashtra's version of the crescent-shaped sweet called gujiya, nevri, soma, etc. in other regions. It is filled with coconut, jaggery and dry fruits. 

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3. Shrikhand

This creamy delicacy is made using hung curd. It has many varieties, including cardamom (elaichi), saffron (kesar), mango (aamrakhand), etc. 

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4. Aamras

Aamras simply refers to fresh mango pulp, which may be sweetened slightly. Like shrikhand, the aamras-puri combination is also famous in Gujarat. 

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5. Puran Poli

This is a roasted wheat flatbread stuffed with a sweet filling made of dal and sugar or jaggery. It is topped with ghee and served with warm milk.

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For more Maharashtrian
dessert recipes

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