5 Must-Have Cooling Foods During Summer

By: Somdatta Saha

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Summer is here, so is the time for extreme heat, dehydration, and perpetual tiredness. What comes as a rescue in this weather is a bunch of foods that help keep us cool naturally. 

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1. Yogurt

Loaded with probiotics, it is excellent for your gut health and has a cooling effect on the body.

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2. Cucumber

It is high in water content and helps us stay hydrated throughout the day. The best part is that you can add it to your daily diet in multiple ways.

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3. Coconut Water

It is loaded with electrolytes and makes for the ultimate summer thirst quencher. Besides, it also helps prevent dehydration.

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4. Watermelon

Just like cucumber, watermelon too has a high water content, making it perfect to beat the heat. 

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5. Nimbu Paani

It is the ultimate summer drink for you to try. It includes water, the goodness of vitamin C, and a dash of refreshing mint.

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For more such summer food options

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