5 Quick And Easy
 South Indian Recipes

By: Vaishali Kapila

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Rice is a staple in South Indian cuisine and can be used to prepare a variety of dishes. Explore some quick South Indian rice recipes for effortless meals.

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1. Curd Rice

If you prefer to have something light, curd rice is an ideal option. All you need to do is combine the rice with curd and top it with a flavourful tadka.

2. Lemon Rice

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Lemon rice is great for those who enjoy a kick of tanginess in their rice. It is super easy to make and quite tantalising to the taste buds, making it a must-try.

3. Tamarind Rice

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Tamarind rice features whole red chillies, curry leaves, chana dal, peanuts, jaggery, and a blend of other spices. It's sweet, tangy, and all things flavourful!

4. Coconut Rice

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Coconut rice is a delightful dish featuring grated coconut, cashew nuts, and mild spices. Pair it with avial or a spicy gravy to enjoy a satisfying meal. 

5. Bisi Bele Bath

Bisi bele bath is a popular rice dish originating from Karnataka. It is quite wholesome and ideal to enjoy for a lunch or dinner meal. 

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 South Indian recipes

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