5 Steps To Make Raw Mango Salad

By: Nikita Nikhil

Image Credit: iStock

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Spicy and tangy, raw mango salad is a refreshing dish that can be enjoyed any time. The best part is that it's made with pantry staples and just 5 steps! Learn how to make it now!

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1. Prepare The Veggies

Peel and chop raw mangoes and veggies like carrots, onion, cucumber, and sweet corn into small pieces. You can also use vegetables of your choice.

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2. Roast The Peanuts

Peanuts add a nutty flavour to the salad. Take a handful of peanuts and roast them over medium heat till they are brown and aromatic.

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3. Prepare The Dressing

In a bowl, mix lemon juice, honey, chaat masala, salt, red chilli powder, and roasted cumin powder until well combined.

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4. Combine The Ingredients

Pour the dressing over the chopped vegetables and peanuts in a mixing bowl. Give it a good mix to ensure all the ingredients are well combined.

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5. Garnish

Once the ingredients are mixed, add some freshly chopped coriander leaves over the salad ingredients. Serve it fresh!

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For more mango recipes, click here:

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