5 Tips To Avoid

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Microplastics have found their way into various parts of our food supply, thus raising several health concerns. Here are 5 simple ways to reduce your exposure to microplastics.

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1. Limit Processed Foods

Research has linked the consumption of highly processed foods to higher levels of phthalate microplastics in the body.

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2. Use Green Packaging

Opt for eco-friendly packaging materials like glass storage containers, stainless steel bento boxes, bamboo utensils, rice husk bowls, etc.

3. Choose Glass Bottles

Replace single-use or BPA-containing water bottles with glass or stainless steel options to limit your exposure to microplastics regularly.

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4. Stop Using Tea Bags

Tea bags can harbour microplastics. Hence, to be on the safer side, consider opting for loose tea leaves or using a tea infuser for your daily brews.

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Using plastic bags for storing and packing food may transfer microplastics to your system. Eliminate them by keeping other alternatives handy.

5. Avoid Plastic Bags

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To know the health risks of consuming microplastics

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