5 Tips To Buy Juicy Lemons Every Time

By: Nikita Nikhil

Image Credit: iStock

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One of the most popular citrus fruits, lemons are used in many things – from cooking to cleaning. But how do you buy the right ones? Here are 5 tips to buy juicy lemons every time.

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1. Choose Heavy Lemons

While selecting lemons, pick the ones that feel heavy for their size. This means the lemon contains more juice, ensuring a juicy lemon every time.

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2. Smooth Skin

Choose lemons that have a smooth rather than thick skin. Lemons with thin and smooth skin are juicier than the latter, making them perfect for cooking.

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3. Check The Colour

Opt for lemons that are bright yellow with no green spots. A deep, vibrant yellow colour means that the lemon is ripe and likely to be full of juice.

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4. Gently Squeeze

Before buying, give the lemons a gentle squeeze. If it gives slightly under pressure, it is juicy. Avoid lemons that are too soft as they can be dry.

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5. Smell

Fresh lemon is fragrant and has a citrusy aroma. Hold the lemon close to your nose and check for a strong, pleasant scent. This will ensure it's juicy and fresh.

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