5 Tips To Buy Right Cooking Oil

By: Somdatta Saha

Image Credit: Pexels

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Edible oils are essential for daily cooking. Nutritionist Sakshi Lalwani suggests smart tips for buying cooking oil.

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 1. Pick Wisely

Choose oils that have low saturated fats and are enriched with heart-healthy MUFAs.

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2. Avoid Trans-Fats:

Skip the ones with partially hydrogenated oils to avoid heart-related complications.

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3. Go For Cold-Pressed:

Cold-pressed oils are high in nutrients and make for a better choice, compared to refined oils.

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4. Consider Smoke Point:

Every oil has a different smoke point. Pick high-smoke-point oils for frying, and extra virgin oils for dressing.

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5. Ignore Marketing Tricks:

Remember, no plant-based oil is ‘cholesterol free'. Choose your oil mindfully.

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For more such cooking tips

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