5 Tips To Clean Wooden Utensils

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Wooden utensils such as wooden spoons, chopping boards and dough bowls, are functional staples in the kitchen. 

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Wooden utensils easily absorb dirt and oils, which can be difficult to remove. And who likes to use utensils that are stained. Here are some tips on how to clean wooden utensils.

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1. Rub With Salt

Wash your wooden utensil thoroughly with hot soapy water. Now pour a good amount of coarse salt and rub it using a half-cut lemon until the salt has dissolved. 

2. Squeeze Some Lemon 

Immerse them in a vessel of hot water and squeeze lemon into it. You can also apply lemon juice directly to the utensils and rinse it off after 5-10 mins.

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3. Baking Soda

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Sprinkle baking soda and lemon juice over the stain. Use a cloth to scrub this area and rinse it.

Soak your wooden utensils overnight in equal parts of white vinegar and room tempeture water. This will also help eliminate any bad odors.

4. Soak In Vinegar

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Try using sandpaper to get rid of the stains. Sanding removes the top layer and reveals fresh wood. This helps in scraping off any leftover stains.

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5. Clean With Sandpaper

So, the next time you are cleaning your wooden utensils, do keep these tips in your mind!

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