5 Tips To Clean Your Electric Kettle 

By: Payal

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Got an electric kettle? It's probably your best friend when you need hot water for tea or instant noodles. But like any kitchen appliance, it needs a good clean now and then. Check out these super easy tips to clean your electric kettle.

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1. Vinegar To The Rescue 

Fill kettle halfway with water and white vinegar. Bring it to a boil, then turn it off and let it chill for an hour. After that, pour out the solution and give the kettle a good rinse with fresh water.

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2. Baking Soda Mix

Mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda with water to make a paste. Pour it into the kettle, let it boil, and then sit for 30 minutes. Once time's up, dump the solution and rinse it out thoroughly.

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3. Lemon Fresh Clean 

Throw some lemon slices into the kettle, fill it with water, and boil it. Let it sit for an hour after turning it off. Finally, pour out the lemon water and rinse with fresh water.

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4. Scrub It Gently 

Use a soft-bristled brush or sponge to scrub the inside of your kettle. Be gentle so you don't scratch it! Rinse it with clean water and dry it off.

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5. Dish Soap Does The Trick 

Add some dish soap to warm water, and using a soft sponge, scrub both the inside and outside of your kettle. Rinse it all out with clean water, and you're good to go!

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