5 Tips To Clean Your Microwave Easily

By: Neha Grover

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Do you use the microwave often but struggle to get rid of dry splashes and stains? Here we have listed down some easy tips to help keep your microwave spick and span.

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1. Steam With Lemon

Add juice of 1 lemon to a bowl of water. Blast it on high power till steam builds up inside the microwave. Turn off the power and wipe after 10 minutes.

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2. Baking Soda For Stains

Make a thick paste of baking soda and water and plaster on food residues that are hard to remove. Scrub it off with a wet sponge after 10 minutes.

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3. DIY Cleaning Spray

Mix equal parts of distilled water, lemon juice and white vinegar in a spray bottle. Shake and spray on the insides. Clean after 5 minutes.

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4. Dish Soap For Grease

Rub off the grease on the microwave door with a sponge dipped in a solution of water and dish soap. Clean again with sponge dipped in plain water.

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5. Clean Turntable

Make a solution of liquid dish soap and water, and dip a sponge in it. Scrub it on the turntable and take out stubborn food residues and stains.

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