5 Tips To Make Crispy Dahi Kebabs

By: Vaishali Kapila

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Do your dahi kebabs often fall apart or end up soggy? Don't worry! Here are some pro tips that will guarantee a consistently irresistible crispy texture every single time.

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1. Use The Right Yoghurt

To make perfectly crispy kebabs, you must use thick yoghurt. This is because it has less moisture content, resulting in crispier kebabs.

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2. Add Besan

Besan has natural aborbent properties and helps absorb excess moisture. Add 1-2 tbsp of it while combining all the ingredients for the kebab.

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3. Use Breadcrumbs

Another effective ingredient for binding is breadcrumbs. They also prevent the kebab from becoming moist, giving it a crispy texture.

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4. Refrigerate The Mix

Refrigerating the kebab mixture helps firm it up and allows the flavours of the ingredients to meld together. It also makes it easier to shape them.

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5. Cook On Right Flame

You must be mindful of the flame level at which you cook the kebabs. Always cook them on a medium-high heat and remember to drain excess oil.

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For mouth-watering kebab recipes

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