5 Tips To Make
Your Kitchen

By: Somdatta Saha

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Planning a holistic makeover to your lifestyle? How about starting from the kitchen? Build a zero-waste kitchen with these simple tips, and do your bit towards sustainable living.

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1. Avoid Plastic Use

Plastic is the single-most problematic part of our kitchen. Instead, you can always go for eco-friendly options like wood and metal.

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2. Shop Wisely

It's not only good for the planet, but also for your budget and health. Always check the labels of the products and buy in moderation.

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3. Use Fruit, Vegetable Peels

Whether it's watermelon or apple, onion or potato - all these vegetable and fruit peels can be brought into use in your cooking again.

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4. Rehash The Leftovers

Instead of tossing, make use of the leftover foods to cook something unique for your next meal. Use your creativity and enjoy.

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5. Vegetable Composting

From fruit peels to leftover tea leaves, recycle these food wastes and use these ingredients as compost for your kitchen garden.

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For more such tips on zero-waste cooking

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