5 Tips to Make Your Salad Bowl Healthier

By: Nikita Nikhil

Image Credit: Unsplash

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Salads can help add nutrition to your diet without weighing you down. Moreover, they don't have to be boring! Here are five tips to make your salads healthier (and tastier!).

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1. Add Leafy Greens

Increase the amount of leafy greens in your salads. Opt for spinach, lettuce, mustard greens, or mixed greens to add vitamins and minerals to salad.

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2. Increase the Colors

Make salads colourful by including bell peppers, carrots, cucumbers, etc. This will make it visually appealing and add antioxidants to your diet.

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3. Include Meats

Add protein to your salad to make it a balanced meal. Include lean meats like boiled chicken, eggs, tuna, etc., which will also help your muscles grow.

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4. Add Healthy Fats

Add healthy fats like dried nuts, seeds, avocado, etc., to your salad. They are packed with Omega-3 fatty acids, making it tastier and crunchier.

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5. Avoid Sugar and Sodium

Keep away from high-sugar dressings like creamy ranch or sweet vinaigrettes in your salad. Instead add lemon juice, herbs, or homemade dressings!

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