5 Tips To Pick Perfect Mangoes This Summer

By: Nikita Nikhil

Image Credit: iStock

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The best part about summer is the mangoes. Sweet, juicy, and so versatile, you can whip up many dishes with them. Here are 5 tips to help you pick the perfect mangoes.

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1. Colour And Texture

Look for mangoes that are vibrantly yellow, orange or red, as per the variety. Avoid buying green patchy ones as they are often underripe or sour.

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2. Smell

Give mango a gentle sniff. A ripe mango will give you a sweet and fruity smell near the stem end. Avoid buying mangoes with a sour or fermented smell.

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3. Firmness

Firm mangoes indicate that they are fresh and ripe. The mangoes should not feel too soft. If they do, it means they are overripe or bruised.

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4. Weight

Pick a mango and analyse its weight. If it's juicy, it will be heavier due to its water content. Heavy mangoes are often ripe and contain more juice.

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5. Shape

Mango comes in many shapes but the plump and rounded ones mean it's well-ripened. But irregular shapes don't mean poor quality. So focus more on other factors.

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For more fruit-related tips, click here:

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