5 Tips To Reduce Your Grocery Bill

By: Nikita Nikhil

Image Credit: Pexels

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Shopping for food and grocery items, especially when there is so much to choose from, can be tricky. Here are 5 tips to shop on a budget without compromising your needs.

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1. Plan Your Meals

Make a week's plan and stick to it religiously. Choosing items and planning for grocery shopping can help you save a ton and prevent impulsive buying.

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2. Use Freezer

Save money on your bill by using what you have already purchased at home. Keep an eye on the expiry dates of items and use them before buying new ones.

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3. Membership

Many big box chain stores offer discounts to members. Avail a membership and earn loyalty points which could be used later on to make payments on groceries.

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Image Credit: Unsplash

4. Buy Generic Items

Don't go for big brands but instead buy generic ones. Many generic items are manufactured in the same facilities as big brands but are lower in price.

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5. Compare Prices

Research and look at which big box store is offering the same product at a lower price. This is economical and can help you save a ton on groceries.

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For more grocery-related tips, click here:

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