5 Egg-Related Myths You Shouldn't Believe 

By: Somdatta Saha

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Did you by any chance add extra oil to your food? Are you struggling with the excessively greasy food on your plate? Fret not, we found some smart hacks to fix your food.

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1. Use Absorbent Towel

The paper absorbs oil which has not yet seeped into the food and is still present on the surface. Use it for dry and fried foods.

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2. Soak With Tissue

If you have added extra oil to the pan, take a tissue, fold it into a serviette, and scoop out extra oil before adding ingredients.

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3. Ice Cube Trick

Drop a huge block of ice in gravy and the excess oil immediately gets collected at the bottom of the ice. Take it out and throw it.

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4. Scoop It Out 

You often see a thick layer of oil floating on top of your food. Take a ladle, press it against the dish, and squeeze out excess oil.

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5. Skim Off When Cold

Refrigerate curries and sauces and the extra oil will collect at the top forming a thick layer. Skim off the hardened layer and enjoy.

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For tips on how to prevent pakodas from being extra oily

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