5 Tips To Soften Refrigerated Paneer

By: Vaishali Kapila

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Paneer tastes good only when it's soft and supple. However, refrigerating it can make it rubbery. Discover how you can bring back its softness with ease with these tips.

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1. Keep It Covered

Always store paneer in an air-tight container in the refrigerator. If you leave it exposed to the harsh air inside, it will become super dry.

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2. Bring To Room Temperature

You must take the paneer out of the fridge 1-2 hours prior to cooking. This helps soften it, giving you the best texture.

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3. Immerse In Warm Water

If you're short on time, you can even immerse the paneer cubes in warm water. Soak them for around 5 minutes, and you're good to go.

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4. Steam It

To steam paneer, boil water in a pan, place a strainer over it, and arrange the paneer cubes on it. Cover with a lid to prevent steam from escaping.

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5. Add It In The End

You should always add paneer cubes to your dish at the end. This prevents them from overcooking and becoming dry and rubbery.

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For more such cooking tips

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