5 Tips To Take Perfect Food Photos

By: Vaishali Kapila

Image Credit: Getty

Food photography is all the rage thesedays! If you're finding it tough to nail that perfect shot, here are some handy tips to make your food photos shine.

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1. Light It Up Right

Good lighting is key when taking a photograph. Use natural light whenever possible to highlight the colours and textures of your food.

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2. Rule Of Thirds

Divide your camera frame into a tic-tac-toe grid. This simple technique creates a visually balanced and engaged shot. Do try it out!

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3. Work Those Angles

Make sure you experiment with different angles. Whether it's a flat lay or a side view, the right angle can trasnform your food photo.

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4. Background Check

 A good background can make or break your photo. Keep the background simple to let the food be the star. Neutral tones work best.

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5. Get Up Close

Sometimes, the magic is in the details, so don't be afraid to zoom in! Capturing the details of your dish makes it look even more appetising.

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