5 Traditional Indian Drinks For Summer

By: Neha Grover

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Welcome Indian summer with traditional delights. These homemade drinks offer a taste of India's diverse flavours while keeping you cool and hydrated all season long.

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1. Sol Kadhi

Discover the refreshing option of Sol Kadhi, a Konkan speciality with kokum and coconut milk for a soothing, digestive-friendly sip.

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2. Lassi

Experience the joy of Punjabi lassi with just three ingredients: curd, chilled water/ice cubes, and sugar. It's the perfect drink to keep yourself cool.

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3. Aam Panna

Indulge in the tangy goodness of Aam Panna, made from unripe green mangoes. Stay hydrated and beat the heat while relishing its refreshing taste.

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4. Jal Jeera

Savour the refreshing blend of cumin, tamarind, lemon, and mint in Jal Jeera. Its digestive-friendly properties make it a go-to summer cooler.

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5. Thandai

Elevate your hydration game with Thandai, a milk-based drink flavoured with rose petals, almonds, and aromatic spices. It's a decadent treat for the summer.

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Recipes For Traditional Indian Drinks

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