5 Ways To Enjoy Lychee This Summer

By: Nikita Nikhil

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Juicy and aromatic, lychee serves as a refreshing delight in summer. You can enjoy it as a whole or in various dishes and desserts. Here are 5 easy videos to enjoy lychee.

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1. Lychee Lemonade

Add lychee to a tall refreshing glass of lemonade to enhance its taste. This will give your drink a dash of natural sweetness and a fruity punch.

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2. Lychee Sorbet

Light and fruity dessert, lychee sorbet is excellent to beat the summer heat. It is dairy-free, and made with lychee pump, sugar and lemon juice.

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3. Lychee Salad

Give your salad a tropical twist by adding lychee to it. Pair it with other foods like mangoes, chickpeas and mixed greens to make a nutritious salad.

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4. Lychee Smoothie

Start your day on a fruity punch with a smoothie made of lychee, yoghurt, coconut water and ice. Add fruits like banana or pineapple for extra flavour.

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5. Lychee Mocktail

Perfect for house parties, lychee mocktail is a bubbly option without alcohol. Just mix lychee juice with soda, lemon juice and maple syrup, and enjoy!

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For more lychee recipes, click here:

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