5 Ways To Keep Coriander Fresh For Long

By: Nikita Nikhil

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Coriander, also called dhaniya, is a staple in Indian kitchens. It is versatile and every part of it is edible. Here are 5 ways to keep it fresh and increase its shelf life.

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1. Air-tight Jar

Trim the ends of coriander stems and place them in a jar filled with some water. Cover it loosely with a plastic bag and change water every day.

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2. Wrap In Paper Towel

Wash and dry coriander leaves thoroughly and wrap them in a paper towel. Place it in a zip-lock bag and refrigerate it for up to one week.

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3. Freeze

Wash and dry the coriander leaves, chop them and freeze them in a freezer for a few hours. Once frozen, transfer it into a zip-lock bag.

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4. Chop And Store

Dry the washed coriander leaves and then clip off its stem. Soak the leaves in water and then chop them once dry. Store it in a container for two weeks.

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5. Box It Up

Clean the coriander leaves and chop off its roots. Dry the leaves with a cloth and place them in a plastic box. Cover with paper towels and close the lid.

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