5 Ways To Keep Your Veggies Fresh For Long

By: Nikita Nikhil

Image Credit: Unsplash

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We all have had times where we bought veggies in bulk just to see them rot in a few days. But you can prevent this. Read on to learn how you can keep veggies fresh for long.

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1. Cold Water

Store veggies like carrots, lettuce, and potatoes in cold water. This way you can keep them fresh and ready to use. Change the water every two days. 

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2. Vinegar

Make a mixture of vinegar and water, and dip your produce in it. Let the veggies soak in it for 5 minutes before rinsing and storing them in your fridge.

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3. Wrap In Paper Towel

Store your green leafy vegetables in a paper towel. Green veggies tend to absorb moisture from the surroundings so a paper towel will prevent that.

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4. Freezing

Store your leftover veggies in a container and freeze them in a deep freezer. This way the veggies won't rot and you can use them later.

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5. Cut The Root

If your produce has some veggies like turnips or green onions, then they can go bad quickly. To prevent this, cut their roots and store them in water.

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For more such vegetable-related tips, click here:

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