5 Ways To Store Half-Cut Vegetables

By: Nikita Nikhil

Image Credit: Pexels

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We cut and store vegetables ahead of time to be efficient in the kitchen. But once cut, the vegetables tend to spoil quickly. Here are 5 ways to store half-cut vegetables properly.

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1. Refrigerate In Containers

Store your half-cut veggies in airtight containers for freshness. This will prevent air exposure that can cause them to spoil and rot faster. 

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2. Aluminium Foil

Keep your half-cut veggies in a bowl and cover it with an aluminium foil sealed around the edges. This will prevent air and moisture from entering it.

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3. Citrus Juice

Some vegetables like eggplants tend to get brown quickly. To prevent this, dab a little bit of citrus juice on the cut surface and store them in containers.

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4. Store In Water

Keep half-cut veggies like carrots in a water-filled container and store it in the fridge. This will keep them fresh. Make sure to change the water daily.

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5. Damp Paper Towel

Wrap your half-cut veggies in a damp paper towel before refrigeration. The moisture will prevent them from drying out. Store in containers afterwards.

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For more vegetable-related tips, click here:

Image Credit: Pexels
