6 Diet Tips To Prevent Dry, Dull Hair This Winter

By: Neha Grover

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1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Incorporate fish, walnuts, and flaxseeds into your meals. Omega-3s keep hair hydrated, and shiny, and prevent dryness during the cold months.

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2. Vitamin E-Rich Foods

Almonds, spinach, and avocados are packed with Vitamin E. This nutrient boosts circulation to the scalp, promoting healthy, strong hair growth.

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3. Hydrating Foods

Eat hydrating fruits like cucumbers, and oranges. These foods keep both your skin and hair moisturized, preventing winter dryness.

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4. Biotin and Zinc

Include biotin-rich foods like eggs and zinc from pumpkin seeds and lentils. These support hair strength, reducing breakage and thinning.

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5. Vitamin C for Collagen

Boost your hair's elasticity with Vitamin C-rich foods like citrus, berries, and bell peppers. They help prevent hair damage and promote growth.

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6. Healthy Fats

Have olive oil, chia seeds and avocado for healthy fats. They nourish the scalp, maintaining moisture levels and preventing hair from becoming brittle.

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Superfoods To Save Your Skin From Winter Dryness:

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