6 Foods That Are Bad For Your Teeth

By: Neha Grover

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1. Sugary Snacks

Sweets like chocolates, cakes, and biscuits are high in sugar, feeding harmful bacteria that cause tooth decay and cavities over time.

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2. Soda and Soft Drinks

Soft drinks, both sugary and sugar-free, contain acids that can erode enamel and increase the risk of cavities, especially when consumed regularly.

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3. Sticky Foods

Sticky foods like toffee, caramel, and dried fruits cling to teeth, feeding bacteria and allowing sugars to linger, causing tooth decay.

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4. White Bread and Refined Carbs

White bread and refined carbs break down into sugars, feeding cavity-causing bacteria and increasing the risk of tooth decay over time.

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5. Fruit Juices

While healthy, fruit juices are high in sugars and acids, which can erode enamel and contribute to cavity formation when consumed too frequently.

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6. Ice

Chewing ice can damage teeth, causing cracks and chips where bacteria can enter, increasing the chances of cavities and further dental issues.

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Foods Good For Your Teeth:

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