6 Foods That May Aggravate Cold And Cough

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A weak immunity system and viruses can completely get you down during cold weather. We tell you foods that may aggravate cold and cough and are best avoided.

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1. Dairy Products

While we hear everything good about dairy products, there is a chance that they may increase your cold, causing your body to produce more mucus.

2. Caffeine Intake

Coffee, tea and soft drinks are all diuretics and tend to dehydrate. This can lead to much thicker mucus, encouraging cold and cough and weaker immunity. 

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3. Fried Foods

Fried junk food is not just responsible for adding bulk to your waistline, but may also become a serious cause of cold and cough in your system.

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Histamines help the body remove allergens. Avoid foods like avocados, mushrooms, strawberries, dry fruits, vinegar and fermented foods.

4. Histamine Dense Foods

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5. Alcohol

Alcohol causes inflammation; further weakening your white blood cells making it harder for your body to heal. It is better to skip drinking alcohol when you are unwell.

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6. Sugar

Just like alcohol, sugar can too cause serious inflammation and weaken your immunity system, making your cold and cough worse.

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It's important to take advice from a qualified medical practitioner when you are sick. Enjoy winters infection-free just by tweaking your diet a little. Stay healthy, stay safe!

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