By: Nikita Nikhil
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Just like food, your favourite kitchen tools have a shelf life too. If you're on a cleaning spree, here are some common kitchen items that need to be replaced from time to time.
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Scratched non-stick pans can release harmful toxins into your food. Replace them every 2-3 years or as soon as the surface coating starts peeling off.
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Wooden and plastic chopping boards can develop deep cuts that trap bacteria. Swap them out when they start looking worn or when stains become stubborn.
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Spices lose their flavour and aroma over time. Always check the labels and taste before use, and refresh your spice rack every 6-12 months.
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Kitchen sponges trap bacteria and start to smell over time. Replace them every one to two weeks, or sanitise them regularly to keep them fresh.
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Blunt knives can make cooking harder and more dangerous. If frequent sharpening doesn't help, replace them once a year for a smoother, safer kitchen experience.
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Old, scratched plastic containers can start leaching chemicals into your food. When they crack, stain, or begin to smell, it's time for new ones.
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For more tips on keeping your kitchen clean and hygienic, click here:
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