6 Lettuce Varieties For Salad Lovers

By: Jigyasa Kakwani

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If you love salads, you have got to explore the world of lettuce, which comes with a variety of flavours and textures.

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Switch up your recipes with different kinds of lettuce, and your salads will never be the same. Here are 6 types of lettuce to explore:

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1. Rocket Lettuce

This lettuce tastes earthy with a peppery kick. You can add this lettuce to bold-flavoured salads or pastas.

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2. Butterhead Lettuce

The leaves of this lettuce are delicate, soft and smooth like butter. Use it in delicate salads and for making wraps.

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3. Coral Lettuce

This lettuce is often used in burgers and sandwiches. It has sturdy, crisp leaves with frilly curls and a mild flavour.

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4. Watercress Lettuce

This lettuce has a bold and peppery taste and can be used in salads and saucy noodle dishes.

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5. Iceberg Lettuce

Iceberg lettuce is crisp, watery, and refreshing. It is popularly used in chopped salads and is also stuffed in tacos and subs.

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6. Romaine Lettuce

This large leafy lettuce was originally used when the Caesar salad was created. It is stiff, crunchy and slightly bitter.

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For Summer-Special Salad Recipes, Click Here

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