6 Smart Tips To Make Puran Poli

By: Payal

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Ganesh Chaturthi is just around the corner. Puran Poli is a popular dessert offered in the bhog. Here are some smart tips to make the perfect Puran Poli at home:

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Ensure the dough is soft and pliable. Use a combination of all-purpose flour and wheat flour for the best results and excellent elasticity.

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1. Soft Dough

2. Use Water Smartly 

Avoid adding all the water at once. Gradually incorporate it into the dough to ensure the consistency remains just right.

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3. Crafting The Filling 

Soak Bengal gram dal for at least 6 hours, then drain it. Next, cook the lentils in a pressure cooker with water, turmeric, and ghee.

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4. Mindful Dal Cooking 

Avoid overcooking the lentils; they should be soft enough to mash with a thumb. Once cooled, blend the lentils with jaggery in a mixer grinder until smooth.

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5. Cook It In The Right Way

Cook the filling on medium heat, stirring continuously to prevent burning. Check the mixture as it cooks, letting the moisture evaporate until it resembles halwa.

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6. Shaping Your Creations 

Divide the dough into small balls, stuff them, seal them, and roll them out gently.  Cook the Puran Poli with desi ghee on medium heat until golden brown.

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