6 Tips To Make Perfect Amritsari Dal

By: Payal

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Amritsari dal is a classic Punjabi comfort food, made with a mix of urad dal and chana dal. If you want to get it just right, here are a few simple tips to keep in mind.

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1. Soak the Dal

Start by soaking both dals overnight. Trust me, this makes a world of difference. It shortens the cooking time and makes the dal easier on your stomach.

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2. Go Low and Slow

For that rich, creamy texture, slow cooking is key. Traditionally, this dal is simmered for hours, but the result is totally worth it.

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3. Spice it Up

For that rich, creamy texture, slow cooking is key. Traditionally, this dal is simmered for hours, but the result is totally worth it.

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4. Creamy is the Goal

To get that signature creamy consistency, let the dal cook on low heat for as long as you can. If you're short on time, a pressure cooker works too!

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5. Finish with a Tadka

Here's where the magic happens: make a tadka with ginger, garlic, and onions in ghee, and pour it over the dal. That's what takes the dish to the next level.

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6. Serve It Right

Amritsari dal is best enjoyed piping hot. Pair it with jeera rice, naan, or a soft roti for a wholesome meal.

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