6 Tips To Make Street-Style Vada Pav

By: Toshita Sahni

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Love vada pav? It is easy to make a basic version of this Maharashtrian treat, but recreating that street-style magic may not be.

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Many people believe some of the best vada pavs are found not at fancy restaurants but at roadside stalls. Here are 5 tips to perfect your homemade vada pav:

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1. Get the chutneys right

Green chutney should provide refreshment, imli chutney must add sweet tanginess and the dry garlic chutney must pack spiciness.

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2. Use a thick batter for vadas

The round balls of spiced mashed potatoes that form the vadas are heavy and need to be properly covered with the besan batter.

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3. Let the batter rest

Allow the batter to rest to improve its consistency. You can also mix very little oil (around 1 tsp) while making it for a better texture. 

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4. Fry the vadas at the right temperature

Let the oil become sufficiently hot before you pop the vadas in. If it's not hot enough, they might absorb too much oil.

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5. Choose pav with care

The pav should be airily soft and freshly baked. If possible, avoid mass-manufactured/ pre-packaged types that have dense consistency like a bun.

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6. Add fried besan pieces 

Add some crunch to your vada pav by frying small 'drops' of batter into the hot oil to get your own besan 'boondis'.

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For more details on these vada pav tips

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