6 Hacks To Make Your Fridge Shine Like New

By: Nikita Nikhil

Image Credit: Unsplash

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Your fridge is the unsung hero of your kitchen, keeping your food fresh and safe. But to keep it working, regular cleaning is a must! Here are six hacks to keep it spotless.

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1. Empty Fridge

Remove all the items from the fridge and remove any spoiled food. This will allow you to clean it efficiently and remind you of what needs to be restocked. 

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2. Remove Shelves

Take out all the removable shelves and drawers from the fridge. Soak them in a soapy water solution to remove stains, and then wipe them with a cloth.

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3. Use Vinegar Solution

Mix equal parts of water and white vinegar in a spray bottle. Use this solution to clean and disinfect the interior, particularly aiming at corners.

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4. Defrost The Freezer

If your freezer has ice buildup, defrost it by switching off the fridge and letting the ice melt. Use towels to soak up for a mess-free clean.

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5. Deodorise

Keep an open box of baking soda inside the fridge to absorb odours. For a better scent, place a small bowl of coffee grounds or a few lemon slices.

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6. Organise

Before putting everything back, wipe down jars and containers. Organize your items by category and keep frequently used items in the front for easy access.

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