6 Ways To Reduce Salt Intake In Daily Food

By: Nikita Nikhil

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Salt is a kitchen ingredient that can make or break the taste of any dish. But excess of it can lead to many health diseases. Here are 6 ways to reduce salt intake in daily meals.

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1. Use Fresh Items

Cook with fresh veggies and meat instead of processed food. Fresh ingredients naturally contain less salt and allow you to control the amount of it.

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2. Herbs And Spices

Use herbs and spices like oregano, thyme, turmeric, cumin, etc. in your curries and gravies. These add flavour without the need for extra salt.

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3. Read Food Labels

Choose products with “low-sodium” or “no added salt” labels. Compare brands to choose the one with low salt content.

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4. Limit Condiments

Many condiments are loaded with salt. Use them in small amounts or choose low-sodium options. Homemade versions are a great way to control salt amount.

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5. Use Acidic Ingredients

Use acidic ingredients like lemon juice or vinegar to enhance the flavor of your dishes. These can make foods taste better without extra salt.

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6. Reduce Salt Gradually

Slowly decrease the salt amount in your recipes. Slowly your taste buds will adjust and you will start enjoying the natural flavours of food.

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